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  • References

    Early detection with SR::SPC

    Wind Farm Global Tech I, Germany – Early Detection with SR::SPC

    The Hamburg-based Global Tech I Offshore Wind GmbH has planned and built the 400 MW North Sea wind farm Global Tech I in detail and is responsible for the operation.

    In 2018, the company decided to implement the monitoring of the 80 wind turbines, each with a capacity of 5 MW (type Adwen AD 5-116), with the SR::SPC Predictive Analytics Software solution developed by Iqony Solutions (IQS). A total of 49 KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) per turbine and 3,920 grades were defined, which enable a very comprehensive assessment of the wind farm. To temporarily support the operations team in integrating the system into the maintenance process, the Iqony WINDcenter was initially commissioned for one year to carry out a qualified pre-analysis of the calculation results.

    Project facts

    Installed capacity 80 x 5 MW
    Implemented IT solution Predictive Analytics (SR::SPC)
    Technology Adwen Windenergieanlagen
    Customer Global Tech I Offshore Wind GmbH
    IQS performance period 2017 - 2019